Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Trip to the Open Air Farmers Market in Costa Rica

We took a recent trip to the farmers market, and showed my daughter her culture and foods we plan to eat for the week.

In Turrialba, Costa Rica we have the open air farmers market - where a lot of the foods sold are locally grown. Many are even organic. Yum!

This is a great time for me to bond with my daughter at the same time teach her about the foods available to us. This experience is one of my favorite to do, as I also catch up with a lot of the vendors I've grown to know in the years I have lived in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Some I've even visited their farms and had invited me to their homes.

Our community is a mid-sized town and many of the locals here know each other.

If you ever come to Costa Rica, make sure to try and experience shopping at the local farmers market. You can taste the difference!

How would you like your eggs? These our my happy people of Costa Rica!

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